Pl. De Brouckère1000 Bruxelles BRUXELLES🇲🇰 🇧🇪 Grassroots Publishing - Bookshop AT @BalcanTrafikFestival
WEDNESDAY 24/04 at 16.30 Bimbi Books Chau. d'Ixelles 301, 1050 Ixelles
- Reading of Le Pays du Zoo Magique by Oliver Romeski + presentation of the work of illustrator Lucie Müllerová.
(At the end of the event the illustrator will sign your copy).
THURSDAY 25/04 from 14h to 16h Place de Brouckère, 100o, Brusseles
- Meet the illustratorThe illustration experience of Le Pays du Zoo Magique.
FRIDAY 26/04 from 18h to 22h Place de Brouckère, 1000 Brussels
- Signing and dedicationof your copies of Le Pays du Zoo Magique.
SATURDAY 27/04 from 14 h Place de Brouckère, 1000 Brussels
- Illustration workshop - Drawing en plein air
SUNDAY, 28/04 from 18 to 20Grand Place 39, 1000 Bruxelles
- Exhibition of the original platesof Le Pays du Zoo Magique at the Maison Culturelle Belgo-Albanaise , together with illustratorLucie Mullerová.
All our publications in French and original language (Macedonian) will be present at all events.
Funded by the European UnionThis work was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union. GOETHE-INSTITUT